Monday, November 10, 2008

Puritanism lit 11

The Puritans believed in four different things. Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, and Perseverance of the "saints". Total Depravity is that everyone is a sinner because of Adam and Eve's falls and that everyone is going to hell because of it. Unconditional Election means that god only saves those he wishes and only a few are selected for salvation. The puritans believes that Jesus didn't die for us but he died for the chosen and this is called Limited Atonement. Perseverance of the saints means those elected by God have full power to interpret the will of god.

In the sinners of god Jonathan Edwards believed that all humans were sinners and no matter what they were all going to hell. There were people who didn't care if Jonathan Edwards was telling the truth or not. There also were some people who pretended to be religious and felt like that was a way for them to be protected. In Edwards' eyes the only reason god hasn't sent them to hell is because he's chosen to save them, but when god gets angry enough he will send them to hell.

Jonathan explains how hell is a fiery place that you go to when you dont beleive what he beleives. He says that there is notheing between you and hell and the power of god is the only thing that holds you above the pit. What really tripped me out is when he was speaking of hell like an actual place in the core of the earth.

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